
General Prince of Annihilation Armin (Hendrake)

Psychic Power Extremely High
Strength Extremely High
Endurance Extremely High
Combat Ability Godlike
Presence Extremely High
Additional Powers Logrus, Trump, Sorcery, Ritual Magic
Current Status Available for Summoning

The healing of the Half Demons throughout existence has finally rendered Armin as a full demon, and he has now been confirmed as a Prince of Annihilation by the Demon King.

As a malcontent junior Hendrake (he was the son of Harmon Chanicut and Lintra Hendrake the Elder) he was killed during the attack on Lintra Hendrake the younger at the Erikson wedding, but was in such debt to demons that he was revived as a Half Demon by Farrah Swann, in who’s debt he remains. Upon the Healing, there was so little of his mortal soul remaining that his descent to demon status was assured.

However, the one inescapable fact is that with his pedigree and training during his previous life, he remains one of the most potent military forces in existence.


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