One column inch on the second last page of the Thelbane Times

Harmon ChanicutLlewellaHarmon Chanicut, son of Reynard Chanicut is pleased to announce his forthcoming marriage to Llewella, daughter of Moins. Wedding to be celebrated at Equinox in Rebma.


  1. As assuming the union was not for love, it is an interesting piece of politics. Chanicut who so desperately need Mandor to remain King of Thelbane linking up with Rebma, after Merlin has got members of Amber Royalty to assist in his campaign.

    1. Very short, by what metric? I suspect that it will last exactly a year. That is the typical length for a Rebman royal marriage. I’m surprised that Harmon is desperate enough to agree.

      Both of them are also pretty solidly in need of heirs. I think Harmon may have one child at most qualified to lead Chanicut. Llewella has a son and a grandson, but her line is matriarchal.

  2. On a recent mission, we found that Jocasta Chanicut had a Goa’uld within her, Sekmet. We attempted to apprehend her but we not successful. She fled to Thelbane and (I believe) Chanicut Ways. We saw evidence of the Goa’uld working with the Federation and with House Chanicut. In addition and not surprising, the Wolf Pack figures in, coming in the form of Gwendolyn Wolf.

    Finally back from my time in the arena, I noticed this announcement and after this recent mission, wonder…

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