Worldwide Viking Organisation

Sigrún Aasgard
Sigrún Aasgard

The religious irony was not lost where the timing of this press release was concerned. The World Viking Organisation announed on Christmas Day 2009 that Viking District of the Mid West of the United States of America was now under the control of First Daughter Sigrún Aasgard, by right of challenge and conquest, in that the First Daughter Iðúnn Aasgard of the Western United States, who previously also held control of the Mid West had delined to travel to the Mid West to participate in a formal duel, and her representative in the Mid West, Fourth in Line Sonia Aasgard, was challenged under the Right of Formal Conquest for control of the region and was defeated by First Daughter Sigrún Aasgard.

This change ends a period of interregnum in the Mid West, after the departure from the United States of First Daughter Arnhilde Aasgard and her line, as they left to explore new conquests and opportunities. Sigrún gave formal thanks to the line of Iðúnn for stepping in to provide stable custodial management of Viking interests in the Mid West during this time.

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