Senate Declarations

Senate Declarations

The Senator’s Oath

I swear in the hearing of the Gods that I will serve the Empire, the Emperor and my electors faithfully and to the best of my ability, representing their interests above my own, for the Good of the Empire. I will obey Holy Law and Imperial Decree and will partake in only such declarations as are appropriate to Holy Law and Imperial Decree. This is my solemn oath.

1st Declaration of Senate, 14th Revision – 27th
March, 438: The Constitution of Senate

It is Declared that until subsequently revised by a 66% absolute majority of Senate, the representative number within Senate is 10,000. That is to say that for every 10,000 persons within a distinct town or city, that town or city may elect a Senator. These groups of 10,000 electors are to be grouped into boroughs, for which the candidates will stand. Outside of towns and cities, for every district which can demonstrate a population of up to 10,000 a Senator may be elected. Similarly, for every 10,000 persons in active service, the Military may send one officer of at least Centurion or Decurion Rank to Senate. Within the recognised Guilds, for every 10,000 Registered and Active Principle Members, a Senator may be elected.

The Temples may be represented in Senate by one Learned Priest for each Deity who’s name has not been Blackened in the records of Senate.

1st Declaration of
Senate – 1st Amendement: The Administration of Senate

Senate Declares that it shall meet within the Senate Hall, in the capital city, and only when more than half of the Senators are assembled, shall Senate be deemed to be quorate. If at any time during meeting, a count is called for, and it is thus discovered that Senate is no longer quorate, then that meeting is suspended until Senate again becomes quorate. No vote may be taken while Senate is known to be inquorate.

Senate declares that the Imperial language of business is Anglatine. All speeches and debates will be conducted in Anglatine, and declarations will be written in Anglatine. To be eligable to sit as a Senator, a candidate must demonstrate fluency in Anglatine.

Senators shall be re-elected over a ten year period, with one tenth of the Senate re-elected each year. It is acknowledged that the Emperor has decreed that his appointed ministers need not seek re-election unless the Imperial Throne no longer requires their service.

The Emperor is welcome within Senate at any time. An Imperial Throne is to be set on the highest level at the east end of the Hall, from which the Emperor may partake in the business of Senate.

Senate declares that it will elect from amongst its membership a Speaker, who will chair the meetings of Senate, and command the daily administration of Senate. This post will be lifelong, with the Speaker not needing to be re-elected to Senate. The Speaker’s Chair will be located at the east end of the Hall, on the level below the Imperial Throne. The granting of a Knighthood to the Speaker is automatic if they hold no other Aristocratic Title.

The Guild of Magic is Instructed to provide the means and methods such that any Senator speaking at the Oratorium, which will be located on the floor in the centre of the Hall, can be clearly seen and heard by all Senators in the Hall. They are also Instructed to ensure that the Emperor if he attends, and the Speaker of Senate can be clearly seen and heard, from their seats at the east end of the Hall. The Senate will pay standard Guild rates for these services.

The Guild of Law is instructed to ensure that all the business of Senate is duly recorded, and published, and that Learned Masters of Law are available whenever necessary to advise Senate on any matter of current law which may be required for its deliberations. Senate will pay standard Guild rates for these services.

All civillian serving Senators will be paid an annual salary of Ð250,000 providing they attend Senate for at least 8 hours per day, on at least 100 days in the year. Military Senators will be paid an annual Salary of Ð100,000 providing they attend Senate for at least 100 days per year. Senators representing the temples will not recieve any salary. Any Senator possessing any Aristocratic title will not be paid any salary for their service in Senate, regardless of how often they attend.

2nd Declaration of Senate,
Revision – 14th January 356: The Slave Levy

Any person or body who owns a slave must deposit Ð25 per week per slave in Trust with the state, to be offset against that Slave’s debts. If the Slave’s debt is to society then this Trust should be paid to any victims of the Slave’s crimes as compensation. The Slave must be provided with sufficient food to live, and any clothing or materials necessary for them to perform the tasks to which they are assigned. They must be presented for medical examination once per year, and the owner is responsible for any necessary medical expenses to ensure the Slave remains at optimal health. Actions undertaken by Slaves are assumed under Law to be actions of their owner. If those actions are criminal, then the burden of proof rests with the Slave to prove they were ordered to undertake the action. If the actions were not criminal then the burden of proof rests with the owner to prove the Slave had no orders.

2nd Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Keeping of Slaves

At the advising of the Guild of Slavers, Senate hereby Declares the following regulations regarding Slaves:

A Slave is a person who has lost the right to freedom in the Empire, through debt, or who has surrendered that right of their own free will. No person can be born a slave. If a slave gives birth,
that child becomes either a dependant of the slave’s owner, or is made a ward of state.

A slave can be owned by an individual or a company. If owned by a company then all owners of the company or employees acting on the company’s behalf have command over the slave. Contradictory orders must be resolved through the normal hierarchy of the company.

A slave must undertake all tasks which their owner or a dependant of their owner commands. If a slave will require education or training before it will be able to complete an intended task, then the owners must provide that training, or not give the slave that task. If a slave refuses to undertake a task when ordered, or cannot reasonably prove it is not able to complete that task, then it may be punished.

If a slave cannot understand the orders being given, by virtue of being a foreign captive and not speaking the Imperial Tongue, then language lessons must firstly be provided for the slave.

If special equipment or protective clothing is required for a slave to complete a task without risk of injury or ill health, then the owner must provide it, or not give the slave that task. No other clothing need necessarily be provided. Any clothing, cosmetics or other decoration which an owner desires to see on their slaves must be provided by the owner, and belongs to the owner.

Slaves with physical or mental handicaps may not be assigned tasks which they would not be reasonably able to complete. Healthy slaves must not be assigned tasks which a healthy free person could not also be reasonably expected to complete.

A slave must be allowed to sleep in a dry sheltered place for at least 12 hours in every 48 hours. They may be bound during this time if required, but the bondage must not prevent easy sleep.

When punishing a slave, they may not be deprived of drinking water for more than 24 hours, or of food for more than 72 hours. If physical punishment is undertaken, open wounds must not be inflicted, and bones must not be broken. Bruising must not last longer than 72 hours, and if a slave does not recover consciousness within 10 minutes medical help must be sought. If these limits of punishment are exceeded, this constitutes abuse of the slave.

Except when being punished, a slave must be allowed at least 1 good meal every day, or the slave is being abused.

If a slave becomes ill, medical help must be sought and paid for by the owner. The costs may be set against the slave’s debt, but will not be recovered until the slave’s debt can be repaid.

Except when being punished, the slave must be allowed to clean themselves in clean water, with soap, at least once per day. Except when being punished, slaves must be allowed access to toilet facilities at least once every 4 hours, but preferably whenever necessary.

An adult slave may be ordered to undertake any sexual act and, providing it would cause no more injury than is permitted during punishment, they must obey. A female slave may not be ordered to conceive a child, but she may be asked to do so, and can agree or not. No punishment may be inflicted for her not agreeing.

Any contraventions of these Declarations constitutes an abuse of a slave. An abused slave has the right to appeal to any other person, free or slave, for assistance to prevent the abuse from continuing. A person who is aware of the abuse of a slave must either act to stop that abuse, through direct action, or by reporting the abuse to the Military, a Judge or Magistrate, or the Guild of Slavers, or they become a conspirator to that abuse, and are equally liable under law.

All public sales of slaves, and all slave markets are regulated by the Guild of Slavers. Private transactions between individuals not in the Guild may not include more than two slaves. Persons newly entering slavery must do so through the Guild. All slaves must be Identified, and must bear a slave collar stating the Identity of their owner.

A slave is forbidden to try to escape. If a slave does escape, unless they were fleeing from proven abuse, the penalty is death. If they prove abuse, they are returned to the nearest slave market for re-sale, with half the proceeds going towards the slave’s own debt. Penalties for abusing slaves are a matter for the Judge or Magistrate to decide.

A Pilot cannot be taken into slavery, due to the abilities he possesses. Therefore, the punishment of Pilots for Crime or Debt must be allocated to the Guild of Pilots.

3rd Declaration of Senate,
Revision: The Temples of the Gods

Senate declares that the following gods are known within the Empire, and their there names are not Blackened. Therefore Temples may be built in their service, and priests may minister their teachings to the populace:

  • Pater Deorum Roland – Creator of all worlds, father of the gods
  • Mater Deorum Sian – mother of the gods, guardian of women
  • King Divine Robert – god of Truth and Teaching
  • Queen Divine Claire – the hospitaler, she who closes wounds and banishes disease
  • Prime Interface Divine Andrew – God of Knowledge, Advocate of Victims
  • Reichsführer-SS Divine Rupert – Herzog von Bremen, god of Communications
  • Gruppenführer Divine Rikart – The Great Protector
  • The Divine Gregory – protector of mankind, patron of lawyers, friend of defenders
  • The Divine Alastyr – god of travelers, patron of the Pilots
  • The Divine Marik & The Divine Marise – The Twin Gods – gods of war, patrons of the military
  • The Divine Morgan – keeper of the naked flame, that which inflames the senses
  • The Divine Larabelle – goddess of True Love
  • The Divine Leyton – the smith, patron of craftsmen and engineers, master of the celestial mechanics
  • The Divine Medea – goddess of sorcery, guardian of magic
  • The Divine Neolani – goddess of the skies, bringer of storms and rain, keeper of the suns
  • The Divine Georgina – goddess of vengeance
  • The Divine Tallia – goddess of the hunt, guardian of wild spirits, she who pursues
  • The Divine Royce – god of free will
  • The Divine Lisu – the blind one, keeper of secrets
  • The Goddess Phoebe – goddess of beauty, keeper of eternal youth, mistress of vanity, patron of art
  • The Divine Seline – guardian of slaves
  • The Divine Sanja – goddess of dreams
  • The Divine Alexis – goddess responsible for defending the pantheon
  • The Divine Gaia – goddess of the Land, bringer of spring, guardian of farmers, goddess of fertility
  • The Divine Joscelin – god of the Seas, god of Channelling, Appelate of the Curse

Also, Senate Declares that the following god is named in Grey:

  • The Divine Dorlan – keeper of the afterlife, the final judge, guardian of souls, caller of the dead.

While the eventual fate of every living soul rests in Dorlan’s hand, nevertheless the good of the Empire is not served by looking forward to death. Therefore, while priests may go about the lands to minister his teachings, Temples may not be built in his name.

4th Declaration of Senate: The
Liability of Companies and their Owners

Where a Company is formed, the limit of personal liability of the owners under normal circumstances for debts of the company is the value of the initial investment in the company. Where  criminal activity is proved against the company, there is no limit to the liability of the owners of the company.

4th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Liability of Companies and their Owners

If a company is found to be insolvent, the owners of that company are barred from owning any new company until the debts of the insolvent company are discharged. Said debts may be discharged by any legal means, including gifts to the company from the owners, of funds or other assets.

5th Declaration of Senate: Foreign

Any person from outside the Empire who is captured during military action, and who is not retained by the military for service or for the Good of the Empire, is to be taken into slavery with a nominal debt of Ð5,200. Under normal circumstances this debt can be discharged in 5 years.

6th Declaration of Senate: The
Empowerment of Magistrates

The Senate empowers the creation of Magistrates, in all cities and towns within the Empire. When a question arises in a matter of Law, that is deemed by all interested parties to be of insufficient import to warrant the expense of placing the question before an Imperial Judge, the matter will therefore be decided by the local Magistrate.

The Senate recognises that an interested party may wish to dispute the Judgment of a Magistrate. However, aside from the individual Magistrate who originally made the ruling, only an Imperial Judge may vary a ruling made by a Magistrate.

Magistrates are empowered to hear matters of small crime, but any interested party in a criminal matter may request that the matter is of sufficiently great import to justify its placing before an Imperial Judge, in which case the Magistrate must rule that the question be put to an Imperial Judge.

It is declared that Magistrates should be appointed for 10 years, by a process of Election of all the Citizens in the town or city where the Magistrate will serve. Sufficient Magistrates should be appointed by need, that all the required workload can be heard promptly.

7th Declaration of Senate:
Disposal of the Estates of Insolvents

If a citizen becomes insolvent, that is, he is unable to pay a debt at the due time, the creditors may choose to pursue the collection of the debt through an order of Court. A citizen’s assets, property and female children are the first matters to be considered for seizure, and their mistresses and male children are the second matters which may be seized. The final matters are the wife and the actual citizen. Children and mistresses sold into slavery, enter slavery at a debt equal to the sale price raised for them at market. The wife and citizen enter slavery with a debt of the price raised for them in addition to any residual insolvency still remaining, divided equally between the citizen and the wife.

When any dependants or citizens are required to be sold into slavery through insolvency, it is the duty of the creditors to validate the debts being enforced to the satisfaction of the court, and when the citizen has to enter slavery, to also establish that all debts are being accounted for in the one Judgment. To falsify a debt which forces a citizen or his dependants into slavery is a crime for which the penalty is a reversal of circumstances, i.e. the citizen and his dependants are restored to freedom, and the false creditor(s) enter(s) slavery with a debt equal to the market value plus the debt they falsely tried to claim. This debt is assessed fully against the false creditor, and any remaining assets and dependants of the false creditor are transferred to the original debtor in full as
punitive damages.

8th Declaration of Senate,
5th Revision: Entitlement to Citizenship

This declaration is an explicit statement of the current interpretation of such Holy Law as has been sent down from the Temple of Roland, the Temple of Gregory, the Temple of Sian, and various other statements which have come from the Gods.

In respect of the Temples: Any person, male of female, over the age of 12, who has sworn their life to a Temple and been accepted by that Temple is a Temple servant, and therefore not a citizen. They are subject to Holy Law, and are subject to the rule of their God and his/her Temple. They may not individually own property, assets or slaves, or keep dependants. The Temple may own property, assets and slaves in common for all the servants of the Temple, and children within a Temple are dependants of the Temple

In respect of the Military: Any person, male of female, who has entered and been accepted for military service is a member of the military, and therefore not a citizen. They are subject to Holy Law, Imperial Law, and Military Regulation. Officers may own slaves, but other ranks may not own slaves. The Military may own property, and assets, in common for the members of the Military, but not slaves. Members of the Military may keep dependants, and own property and assets individually, and are responsible and liable for their personal finances.

In respect of the Aristocracy: Any member of the aristocracy, even if he is a member of a Temple or the Military, may own property, assets, slaves, and keep dependants. An aristocrat is responsible and liable for his own finances, and may vote.

In respect of males: Any male, not an aristocrat, or a member of a Temple or the Military, over 12 years of age who has resided within the Empire for at least 5 years, and who is not burdened by a debt to society or insolvency is automatically a citizen. He is entitled to vote, and is responsible for, and liable for, his own finances. He may own property, assets, and slaves, and may keep dependants. Any male child under 12 years of age is a dependant either to a citizen, an aristocrat, a Temple, the Military or to the state. Male dependants of the state who do not enter a Temple or the Military are awarded a starting capital of Ð25,000 on their 12th birthday, and become citizens.

In respect of Females: Any female, not an aristocrat or a member of a Temple or the Military, over 12 years of age, who has resided within the Empire for at least 5 years, who is not burdened by a debt to society or insolvency, and who has declared herself to be so, is a citizen. She is entitled to vote, and is responsible for, and liable for, her own finances. She may own property, assets and slaves, and may keep dependants. All other females not burdened by a debt to society or insolvency, are dependants, either wives, mistresses or children of an entity entitled to keep dependants. They may not vote, nor may they own property or slaves. They may own assets of a personal nature, but may not keep finances, and are not liable for finances. Females who are child dependants of the state may opt for citizenship upon reaching their majority, in which case they will receive the same starting capital as male children. If they choose not to take citizenship, they will be maintained as dependants, incurring debt until they reach 21 years of age, by which time they must have  found someone else willing to take them on as dependant, either mistress or wife, and pay off the incurred debt. If they fail to do this they are sold into slavery, with the price raised set against the debt they have incurred in majority.

Senate recognises the value that dependants have in supporting citizens, and therefore declares that with the consent of a citizen, any dependants, adult or child, may act on their citizen’s behalf in matters of personal, business, elections, and any other civic and financial affairs. Dependants so acting must show a witnessed document of enablement to prove their right to act. Liability for any actions of dependants rests with their citizen.

9th Declaration of Senate –
revision: The Laws of Sexuality

This declaration is an explicit statement of the current interpretation of such Holy Law as has been sent down from the Temple of Roland, the Temple of Gregory, the Temple of Sian, the Temple of Morgan, the Temple of Pheobe and various other statements which have come from the Gods.

The age of majority is 12 years, and any person may enter into sexual congress with any other person or persons, providing all involved are at least 12 years of age. All free persons involved in any form of sexual congress must have willingly consented to that congress. The consent of a slave to sexual congress is not required in law.

The age of minority is 6 years, and minors may view adults engaged in sexual congress, and ask questions relating to sexual congress, in order to further their education in essential matters of life. The 12th birthday is the 2nd hurdle in life, and persons who’s ages differ by one year who have been in a lasting emotional relationship since they were minors may “straddle the hurdle” when the elder is 12 and the younger 11. It is an offence punishable by flogging and 10 years of slavery for any other adult to engage in any sexual congress with any minor. This declaration includes slave minors.

Infants younger than 6 years old may not be involved in, or view, any sexual congress. To involve an infant in a sexual act is a crime punishable by death.

The Goddess Sian has Spoken, and promised her blessing to any female who asks it, such that no female shall conceive of an unwanted child. It is the declaration of Senate that for the health and well being of the Empire, all females regardless of age, shall be taken to the temple of Sian upon their first sign of sexual maturity, to receive this blessing. It is further declared that no female may be coerced, bribed, blackmailed, or in any other way forced to agree the conception of a child. It is declared that no female slave may be ordered to conceive a child.

Adultery can only be undertaken by those who are not servants of a Temple, and the definition of adultery is for a male to conceive a child with a female, who is not his wife or mistress, and where  the woman concerned is not a member of the Guld of Mothers, undertaking her Guild Profession. Adultery, if the charge is brought to court, is a crime punishable by flogging of the male involved, in public, 25 lashes a day for a week. Further, the child once born is made a ward of the state, and the woman, after the birth, is taken into slavery for 3 years. An exception to this law regards a free citizen who uses a male slave to allow their wife or mistress to conceive. This is permissible in law if agreed in advance by all free adult members of the household.

In recognition of the need to maintain the population of the Empire, while granting those females who so chose the right to citizenship, it is declared by Senate that a female citizen who chooses to conceive a child will receive relief from all personal taxation for 3 years after the conception. It is further declared that a female citizen may enlist the services of any male citizen, priest or soldier in this process, providing the agreement of any mistresses and the wife of that male is formally obtained, without an offence of adultery taking place. The child will be a dependant of the female citizen, and the male concerned need not have any further contact with it, at the choice of the female.

The Divine Gregory has Spoken, that the preferred family unit is comprised of a man and his wife. By Law, outside the Temples, that is explicitly defined as a male citizen or military man, and his dependant wife. The God/des Morgan has Spoken, that the nature of man is to seek many partners, and that the nature of women is to seek sisterhood against men. Senate therefore declares that a man may take as many mistresses as he can support, except that if he has a wife, she must agree the entry of any mistresses into their family.

Due to the grave importance of marriage for the support and comfort of women, a promise of marriage by a man to a women is binding on the man. If not released from his promise by the woman, he must conduct the marriage within 2 years, or pay grand forfeiture as decided by a court to the family to which the woman belongs. Similarly a promise to take a woman as mistress is binding on the man, and if this is not enacted within 1 year, then forfeiture as decided by a court must be paid to the family of the  woman. It is declared that prior to making such a promise to a woman, it is acceptable for a dowry to be negotiated between the woman’s family and the man, and that such dowry as negotiated must be paid in full at the time the promise is enacted upon. Unpaid dowries may be enforced through the courts.

The Goddess Medea, the Goddess Gaia and the Goddess Tallia have all Spoken, that a female who chooses citizenship rather than dependency, should not be penalised for their valuable contributions made to the welfare of the Empire by being deprived  of the support of family. Therefore it is declared that a female citizen may form life partnership with any other citizen. They may combine, or retain separate households, property, assets as they wish, without calling into compromise either of their citizenships.

Also, a female citizen may take a dependant woman as wife or mistress. A female citizen who does so takes the role of a male under the laws of promise and adultery in this case.

The blessing of Sian makes it such that actual sexual activity between men and women is not the subject of any laws, except in the case of rape: It is declared that a man rapes a free woman if he forces her to engage in a sexual act to which she did not consent, or from which, even if she did consent, she derives no pleasure, or from which even if she did consent, she suffers physical injury out of proportion to the pleasure she derives. The penalty for a first rape is flogging and 10 years slavery. The second rape is penalised by compulsory sexual transformation and a further 10 years slavery. A third rape is punishable by death. It is not possible in law to rape a slave.

The Divine Roland has Spoken, that the congress of man with man is a distasteful affair, yet the Divine Marcus has Spoken that the friendship of good men transcends any union of man with  woman. Further the Divine Gregory has Spoken that as Man cannot bear children, then to lie beneath another man is against nature, yet the God/des Morgan has Spoken that if men cannot go together, then half the joy is removed from the world. These statements present a paradox, therefore Senate declares the following – namely that the formal partnership of men with each other is not recognised under law. Neither can men alone undertake the rearing of children. However, men together may undertake acts of congress for the seeking of pleasure, without any offence, except in the case of rape: It is declared that a man rapes a free man if he forces him to engage in a sexual act to which he did not freely and fully consent. It is not possible in law to rape a slave. Male rape is punishable as with female rape.

It is recognised that a female or group of females may engage in congress with either a female or male, under duress or bondage. In either case, then the female definition of rape applies i.e. if
the person did not consent, derives no pleasure, or receives injuries out of proportion with the pleasure, then a rape has taken place. The penalty for this offence is flogging, 100 lashes, and 10 years slavery. It is not possible for any free female to rape a slave under law.

9th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: Divorce and The Dissolution of Partnerships

Female citizens in partnership are declared to have entered into a business arrangement, and if the partnership is desired to be dissolved, then this should also be undertaken as a business arrangement, and assets property and suchlike divided either by mutual agreement or by order of Court. If the partnership is ended by the death of either partner, then the Last Will and testament of that partner determines the disposal of all that partner’s property, assets and slaves.

Free men who have dependant children, remain responsible for those children until their majority in the case of male children, and in the case of female children until they are married, taken as mistress, become citizens, join the military or a temple, or are forced by circumstances into slavery.

Free men who have taken dependant mistresses, and wish to dissolve that partnership may do so, providing they make provision in trust for the mistress to live in the manner she has become accustomed for 3 years. The trust will be managed by trustees appointed by a Court, and at the end of the 3 years, the woman must have found alternate means of support. She can at any point in that 3 year period, withdraw the residue of the trust as starting capital and declare herself a citizen, or instead find another free citizen to enter into a family with, in which case the residue of the trust is used as dowry.

Free men who have a wife, and wish to dissolve that partnership, must seek a Divorce ruling of Court to allow this. The disposition of all property, assets and slaves held by the household being dissolved are to be decided by that Court, with anything awarded to the wife being held in trust for her by trustees appointed by the court. This trust is lifelong, and the trustees must ensure that the woman leaves a valid Will and Testament for the further disposal of the trust after death. If the woman enters into a new partnership as wife or mistress, the trust is her dowry. Equally if she wishes to take citizenship, then the trust is her starting capital, and is released to her own control. It is the duty of the trustees to manage the woman’s estate, where possible in line with her wishes, to ensure its continuance, in profit if possible, for as long as the trust remains.

A man who has divorced his wife, may marry any of his mistresses, but may not take another woman as wife while retaining any of his existing mistresses unless all the mistresses give agreement to this, and the wife to be accepts the mistresses as part of her new household.

A free woman who is a mistress may decide at any point to legally quit the household. She may take what clothing she is wearing and what personal assets she can carry, and depart. However, her status in law is that she is still a dependant unless she declares herself a citizen, and she will need to find some means of support to avoid starvation or slavery.

A free woman who is a wife is bound in law to her partner. She may not depart his household unless her life is in danger or she has been subject to rape, in which case a court appointed Lawyer will represent her in both the rape trials and the ensuing Divorce case against her husband.

When a partnership is ended by the death of the male, all property, assets and slaves are placed in lifelong trust for the wife who becomes a widow. The fate of any mistresses is in the gift of the widow.

A female citizen who has taken a wife or mistresses may dissolve the partnership as if she were a male citizen.

9th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: Life-Bonding

In recognition of the words of the God/des Morgan, as required by the 18th Imperial Decree, Senate declares that a free person may elect to give their Life-Bond to their life partner or spouse / mistress / master. Having given such life-bond, which must be witnessed by a priest/ess of Morgan and at least one other priest, it is acknowledged that the bonded person has granted their unconditional permission for acts of cruelty, rape, violence, abuse and even death to be enacted upon them by their bond-partner, with no penalty or damages being due in law. A Mistress who life-bonds to her master forgoes the right to quit the household, and any life-bonded person can only be freed from life-bond at the will of the person to whom the bond was given. It is declared to be permissible under law for mutual life-bonding between pairs of persons to be undertaken, and under such circumstances their can be no penalties of any kind against either party for any acts committed against the other party, even up to death, and the life-bonding is declared to be irreversible. A person who is life-bonded cannot undertake any formal relationship with any other person except their bond-partner.

10th Declaration of Senate: The
Formation of City Councils

Senate declares that within each city of the Empire, the electorate shall elect a city council, from which a Lord Mayor will be chosen to lead it. That council will responsible for undertaking necessary public services, including at least:

  • The maintaining of the roads within the city.
  • The educating of the children within the city.
  • The removal of the refuse in the city.
  • The maintaining of the drainage within the city.
  • The supply of clean fresh water throughout the city.
  • The provision of adequate lighting in the public places of the city.
  • The maintenance of a public library within the city.
  • The operating of a public bathhouse within the city.
  • The Licensing of public carriages within the city.
  • The operating of a public Hospital within the city.
  • The extinguishing of unwanted fires within the city.
  • The maintenance of a Central Station of transportation within the city.
  • The maintenance of a Guildhall within the city.
  • The maintenance of an Imperial Courthouse within the city.
  • The maintenance of a Magistrates courthouse within the city.
  • The care of Wards of state within the city.
  • The provision of public schools to educate the children of the city.

The city council is declared to be a state body, entitled to levy a proportionate fee upon the owners of all buildings within the city to contribute to meeting the costs of the council’s

11th Declaration of Senate: The
Inadequacy of Maps

Senate declares that while it is not possible to represent the entire Empire within one map, nevertheless any town, city or region which accepts the rule of the Emperor is a member of the Empire, and is part of the electorate of the Empire. Similarly any town, city or region which is conquered by the Empire is a possession of the Empire, and is not part of the electorate of the Empire until such time as it freely accepts the rule of the Emperor. Senate recognises and acknowledges the valuable work done by the Guild of Pilots, in maintaining the integrity of the Empire and all its far flung places.

12th Declaration of Senate: The
Formation of Town Councils

Senate declares that within each town of the Empire, the electorate shall elect a town council, from which a Mayor will be chosen to lead it. That council will responsible for undertaking necessary public services, including at least:

  • The maintaining of the roads within the town.
  • The educating of the children within the town.
  • The removal of the refuse in the town.
  • The maintaining of the drainage within the town.
  • The supply of clean fresh water throughout the town.
  • The provision of adequate lighting in the public places of the town.
  • The operating of a public bathhouse within the town.
  • The maintenance of public buildings within the town.
  • The extinguishing of unwanted fires within the town.
  • The maintenance of a Magistrates courthouse in the town.
  • The care of wards of state in the town.

The town council is declared to be a state body, entitled to levy a proportionate fee upon the owners of all buildings within the town, to meet the costs of the council’s duties.

12th Declaration of Senate –
amendment: The Formation of Rural District Councils

In the countryside which lies outside the towns and cities, district councils are to be elected, from which a Mayor will be chosen to lead. That council will be responsible for providing necessary public services within the district including at least:

  • The maintaining of such Roads as pass through the district.
  • The educating of children within the district.
  • The inspection and provision of fresh water within the district.
  • The care of wards of state within the district.
  • The provision of a Guild House within the district.

The district council is declared to be a body of state, entitled to levy a proportionate fee upon the owners of land within the district, to meet the costs of the council’s duties.

13th Declaration of Senate: The
Blackened name of Randol Yorke

Senate, recognising the words of the Divine Roland, namely “Any creature possessed of free will can act for good or evil. This is no less true of the gods – by our words and our actions shall you know our nature.”, and recognising the treasonous and seditious acts undertaken by the Divine Randol Yorke in the Americas, namely his secession from the Empire and his establishing of himself as president of the Americas, declares for the Good of the Empire, that the name Randol Yorke is hereby blackened. Worship of Randol is declared illegal within the Empire. All Temples consecrated to Randol are to be seized by the state. All members of Temples to Randol are to be captured and sold into life slavery. Let his name no longer be uttered with

13th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Blackened name of Gods

It has been observed that the woman named Larabelle who lives as the wife to the Blackened god Randol, also wields the power of the gods in the land of the enemy. Her name is Declared also to be Blackened. Worship of her is forbidden, and Temples may not be built in her name.

Likewise, one Don Mathias, also living amongst the enemy, wields the powers of the Gods, and through his patronage of the enemies of the Empire brings upon himself the Blackening of his name. Worship of Don Mathias is forbidden, and Temples may not be built in his name.

13th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Blackened name of Gods

Having heard the words of the Divine Roland regarding the forgiving of Larabelle, the blackening of her name is hereby rescinded.

13th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Blackened name of Gods

Colea, outcast of Caelum is hereby named in Black, due to her collusion with enemies of the Empire.

13th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Blackened name of Gods

After considerable debate, upon hearing the words of the newly ascended Goddess Lucidia, Senate declares that the names of both the Goddess Lucidia, and the Deity Don Mathias shall hereby be written in Grey. While recognising the contributions that these dieties have made to the furtherance of Imperial interests in many areas, Senate recognises that the past life of criminal activity of their followers cannot be wiped away overnight.

Therefore while priests may travel about and minister to the needs of followers of these deities, Temples may not yet be built in their name, and land and holdings may not be dedicated to their fixed worship.

13th Declaration of Senate –
Amendment: The Blackened name of Gods

In recognition of the 18th Declaration, and noting the Aspect concerned, Senate hereby declares that the name of the deity Larsen shall be written in Black. Worship of Larsen is declared illegal within the Empire, and temples may not be raised in his name.

14th Declaration of Senate: War
with the Americas

Senate declares that a state of war exists with the Federation of American states. The Senators for the American states are hereby declared captive, and taken into slavery. Civilian persons are forbidden from traveling to the enemy lands. Former citizens of the Empire who reside within enemy territory have 1 year to return to the Empire or they will be also declared enemies, liable to slavery if captured. All matters relating to the Federation of American states are now subject to military regulation.

15th Declaration of Senate: The
Capital City

Senate hereby declares that Eboracum is the Capital City of the Empire. All recognised guilds within the Empire must maintain their head office in Eboracum. The central registry of identities will be kept in Eboracum. Senate with meet in Eboracum in perpetuity.

16th Declaration of Senate:
Disposal of Estates of Criminals

If a person is convicted of a crime and sentenced into slavery, Senate declares that their household be dealt with as follows:

If there was also financial penalty or damages due for the crime, this must be firstly paid out of the criminal’s estate. If the criminal is a dependant, then their household is liable for this. If the household becomes insolvent through serving this financial penalty, then a normal insolvency case ensues against the household in entirety.

Secondly, if the criminal had mistresses who were not co-defendants in the crime, they must be given the option to dissolve the relationship, with the appropriate trusts instituted.

Thirdly, if the criminal had a wife who was not co-defendant in the crime, she must be given the option to sue for Divorce, with all the remaining estate assigned to her in trust lifelong. If the sentence being served is a lifelong slavery sentence, then divorce is mandatory for the wife. The fate of any remaining mistresses or children will be in the gift of the wife.

If the wife, having the choice, opts not to divorce, then the criminal’s estate is taken into trust holding, to wait for the criminal to complete their sentence, at which time the household is re-united, and the remaining property returned to the householder.

17th Declaration of
Senate: Crime against the Person

Senate Declares that the capital crime of murder is defined as the intentional killing of any person by a civilian, or the intentional killing without due orders of any person by a soldier. Senate further Declares that the estate of a Murder victim may claim punitive damages against the murderer.

Senate Declares that where a person is killed, and even though the intention was not to kill, it is judged that death could reasonably be expected from the actual intended actions, the crime is defined as Culpable Homicide. A case of Culpable Homicide must be heard by an Imperial Judge, who may rule that the case is Capital, or may place the guilty party into life slavery, or a lesser penalty if he so desires. Damages may be claimed against the criminal by the estate of the deceased.

Senate Declares that if a person is killed by accident, then the crime is Manslaughter. If the accident occurred as a result of negligence on the part of a person or persons who was not the victim, then a crime of Culpable Manslaughter has taken place. An Imperial Judge shall decide the levels of penalties and damages to be paid by the guilty. If the accident was not the fault of any person other than the victim, or no fault can be ascribed, then no crime has taken place.

Senate Declares that it is a crime of assault for any civilian person to intentionally injure or wound any free person in any way, or for any soldier without due orders to intentionally injure or wound any free person in any way. The civilian penalty for this crime to be a period of slavery, and the payment of damages. The military penalty to be subject to the military authorities. If a free person is injured or wounded without intention, then no crime has taken place, but damages may be sought through the courts.

Where wounding or injury takes place as part of a rape, then a crime of assault also is Declared to take place.

Where a slave is injured or wounded, the 2nd Declaration, 1st amendment applies.

18th Declaration of
Senate: Crime against Property

Senate Declares that it is a crime of property for any person to take or remove any item which belongs to another person or company or the state, military or temples, without the owner’s permission, whether or not the intention was to eventually return said item. An item can include land, ownership or a share in a company, physical items, monies, slaves or any other mobile asset. The penalty for this is that the item must be returned, or reparations of like worth paid, and punitive damages paid of equal value, to the victim, plus a period of slavery.

19th Declaration of
Senate: Crime against the Truth

For any person to lie or give false witness, it is a crime against the truth. Penalties to be relative to the import of the lie. For any person or company to present false accounts, false publicity, false statements of intent or a false identity, is also a crime against the truth. The penalties are decided relative to the import of the falsehood.

20th Declaration of
Senate: The Crime of Incest

Noting the 15th Imperial Decree, Senate Declares that Incest on the Part of a man is a capital crime. A woman who commits incest, is taken into life slavery. A child born of incest must be examined by the Temple of Claire to determine that their body is healthy and pure, before they are made wards of state. Those not pure are left to Claire’s mercy.

Senate further Declares that if a man shares even a single parent with a woman then she is his sister. If a man shares no blood relation with a woman, even though she may be born of the wife or mistress of his father, then she is not his sister.

Senate further Declares that in all cases the True blood relationships are the only valid relationships when determining the question of Incest. In cases where children are born through adultery which is not brought to charge, or through the use of slaves, the blood relationship overrules any previously declared relationships. If a previously unknown adultery is discovered, that Crime cannot be brought to charge once the child has reached majority.

21st Declaration of
Senate: The Education of Children

All infants must be supervised by an adult at all times. An infant may not be left unattended or unobserved. One single adult may supervise no more than ten infants. Infants aged 4 and over must spend four hours per day under the supervision of an infant teacher recognised by the Guild of Teachers. This teaching may be privately arranged, or be at a state run infants school.

All minors, while not requiring constant supervision, nevertheless must be given 30 hours per week of education by a Guild teacher. They are to be taught to at least speak the Imperial Language, to read and write the Imperial Script, to read and write the numerals, and to undertake numeracy sufficient to manage personal finances. They must also be taught the history of the Empire, and the social structure of the Empire, such that upon reaching their majority they are equipped and able to live in the Empire. Further education may be provided if there is sufficient aptitude. This education may be privately arranged, or may take place in one of the state schools.

A state school is not required to provide more than the levels of education indicated above. If a higher degree of education is required, then this must be arranged privately, either through private schools, or individual tutors.

The Universities and Colleges of the Empire are not open to children. Adults may attend Universities or Colleges as members either of a Guild who’s training takes place at the College, or as members of the Guild of Students who study purely academic disciplines. Either way, unless funded by a scholarship from a particular educational establishment, or by some other body, such adult education must be privately financed.

22nd Declaration of
Senate: The Aristocracy

Senate Declares that it has the power to grant the rank of Honoured Knight to such persons of distinction as it sees fit. This rank is granted for the life of the individual, and is accompanied by the title of Honoured Sir or Honoured Madam, an income from the state equal to one thousandth of the imperial income (0.0001% Taxes), for the life of the Knight. This rank, and its title and income may not be passed to heirs, or sold. Spouses may be accorded the title Sir or Madam.

23rd Declaration of
Senate: The Retiring of Slaves

Senate Declares that any slave regularly unable to perform the duties required by their owner due to the ravages of age be taken into state care. There are many functions still able to be performed by senior slaves, but Senate believes that the normal tasks within private ownership are not suited to senior slaves.

24th Declaration of
Senate: Foreign Persons within the Empire

In regard of persons who are not citizens of the Empire, or members of the Military, the Temples, or dependants and legally owned slaves thereof, all those other persons are declared to be Foreigners. Within the Empire, such persons will have status depending on the Realm from which they originate:

If there is peace between their Realm and the Empire, then providing they keep themselves free from Debt, and are willing to be Identified, they may freely go about within the Empire as guests, accorded the same rights within the Empire as its citizens.

Duly constituted and accepted Ambassadors from Realms at peace with the Empire are accorded Diplomatic Status. They and their dependants and ambassadorial staff are immune from prosecution for crime, and from personal liability for debt. However, their Realm inherits liability for their individual debt.

If their Realm is at war or conflict with the Empire, then any Foreigners from that Realm are enemies of the Empire, and if found within the Empire, should be taken captive. There is no diplomatic status for enemies.

25th Declaration of
Senate: Illegal Entry to the Empire

It is declared to be illegal to forcibly bring a foreigner into the Empire, against their will. The penalty for such actions is Life Slavery. If a Foreigner is found to be in the Empire Illegally, and can prove that they were brought in against their will, if they so desire the Empire will repatriate them at its own expense.

Foreigners found within the Empire without the correct Identity, who cannot prove they were brought in against their will, are either to be taken into slavery for the 5 year citizenship qualifying period, or are to be repatriated at their expense. Persons who cannot afford the repatriation, are taken into slavery automatically, with a debt level set to include their repatriation expenses. If, once this slavery is discharged, providing it was longer than 5 years, the person has the option to either be repatriated, or to use the money as a starting stake as a citizen.

26th Declaration of
Senate: Voluntary Slavery

Recognising the 19th Imperial Decree, Senate Declares that any free citizen may voluntarily sell themselves into slavery, for the purpose of raising capital.

The period of slavery is set at 5 years, and only medical expenses (which must be met by slave owners) can be set against a voluntary slave’s debt to extend that term. The price fetched at auction for the slave is made over to the slave, in trust until the period of slavery is served, minus a 10 percent commission which is due to the slave merchant. Also the weekly slave ownership duty paid by the owner is placed in the slave’s capital trust in full.

It is declared that there are no taxes liable on the capital raised by voluntary slavery. Taxes are liable by the slave merchant on the commission they receive.

27th Declaration of Senate:
Petroleum Fuels

Senate Declares that the use of petroleum fuels in any part of the Empire is undesirable. No government contracts will be awarded to any company which uses petroleum fuels, and company taxes will be doubled for any company in a year when that company is found to have manufactured petroleum fuels.

28th Declaration of Senate: Petition for the Ascension of the Emperor

With the discovery that the Emperor Sirius IV is of the bloodline of the gods, and with the acknowledgment of the fact that all the other known Primal Realms within existence are ruled by beings of an ascended state, Senate hereby Declares and Petitions that the Emperor should grasp his obligation to the our Empire, and return the Empire to equal status with other Primal Realms, by virtue of his ascension to equality with those other rulers of Primal Nation States. This Declaration made on the feast of Beltane, 759.

29th Declaration of Senate: The Laws of Finance

This declaration is an explicit statement of the current interpretation of such Holy Law as has been sent down from the Temples, the various Decrees of Emperors, and the decisions of Senate, regarding Finance within the Empire.

A financial transaction occurs when two financially recognised bodies undertake to exchange a sum of money for some service or tangible asset. Payment of monies may be in advance or in arrears, but unless otherwise specified in the undertaking, normal transactions must be completed within one month of the commencement.

If completion of a transaction is delayed beyond its agreed completion date, the creditor of the transaction may charge the debtor lateness fees of 5% per month, or more or less if specified in the initial undertaking, until the transaction is completed, or a financial judgement is successfully sought.

Where a transaction remains delayed for more than 6 months after its due date, the creditor may seek a financial judgement against the debtor. In this case, an Audit of the Debtor must take place, and if it is the professional view of the auditor that the debtor will not be able to complete the transaction, then the transaction will go to Court under a petition to declare the debtor insolvent. If, in the professional view of the Auditor, the debtor is able to complete the transaction, then a petition will go to court to require the immediate completion of the transaction with all late fees, professional audit fees and court fees. Failure to complete the transaction in this case results in automatic seizure of assets and services to the value of the completed transaction with all late fees and professional audit fees and court fees, and seizure fees.

Complex Transactions may be undertaken that involve staged exchanges of monies for services or tangible assets. In the case of such Complex Transactions, each agreed stage of the Complex Transaction is to be treated as an individual financial transaction in terms of completion dates, and late fees.

Financially recognised bodies within the Empire:

The Empire (Imperial Exchequer): Responsible for all Military expenses, Senate expenses, State expenses. This is administered by the Chancellor of the Imperial Exchequer, in whom Financial Responsibility ultimately rests. However this responsibility is deferred down through the chain of authority within the Imperial Government to the duly appointed individual who authorised the spending. Spending by the Imperial Exchequer must be authorised by a duly appointed free person be it military or citizen – if a slave authorises spending, then the authority actually comes from the direct owner of the slave. In the case of the actual Imperial Households, that authority rests in the Keeper of the Imperial Purse, an Imperial Appointment under the recommendation of the Chancellor of the Imperial Exchequer. Incurring a financial judgement against the Imperial Exchequer is an offence punishable by lifetime slavery for the responsible individual’s entire personal household and forfeiture of all an individual’s assets.

Temples: Each Deity has their own Temple, all of which are exempt from taxation. All property and moneys are held in common by the Temple, and are administered by the Temple authorities. Individual members of a Temple have no rights to own funds or properties. Financial Responsibility for debt reverts to the member(s) of the Temple that authorised the spending. Temples must be Audited annually, and if in the professional view of the Auditor, the Temple has excessive wealth for its needs, a petition may be made to Court requiring the Temple to reduce its wealth.

Guilds: These are non-profit organisations which exist to regulate crafts and professions, to set the prices that can be charged by crafts and professions, and to train individuals to undertake the crafts and professions, and as such are exempt from taxation. They are financed through the system of levies on their members, and they are administered by their elected officials. Financial Responsibility for debt rests in the elected officials of the Guild who authorised the spending, deferred to any duly appointed officials. Guilds must be Audited annually, and if in the professional view of the Auditor, the Guild has excessive wealth for its needs, a petition may be made to Court requiring the Guild to reduce its wealth.

Educational Establishments (Colleges and Schools): These are non-profit organisations which exist to provide education to children and adults, in academic and professional subjects. They can be established for general education or for a specific subject, and are regulated through the Temple of Teaching. They are financed by the charging of fees to the students who attend them, though in many cases these fees are in fact taken up by the Guild for whom the training is relevant, or the City, Town or Rural council for which the school is providing general education. Financial Responsibility for debt rests with the elected Governors of the school or college, deferred to any duly appointed officials. Educational Establishments must be Audited annually, and if in the view of the Auditor, the school or college has excessive wealth, then a petition may be made to the Temple of Teaching requiring the School or College to reduce its wealth.

City, Town, and Rural District Councils: These bodies are non-profit organisations formed as a result of the 10th, 12th and 13th Senate Declarations, to provide certain administrative services within residential areas in the Empire. Financial authority rests in the elected officials, but may be deferred to the duly appointed officials who authorised the spending. Councils must be Audited annually, and if in professional the opinion of the Auditor the Council has excessive wealth, then a petition may go to Court to have the excess returned to the populace who paid it. Similarly, if there is a need for expenditure that is beyond the means of the Council, the Council can petition the Imperial Exchequer for additional funds to meet the need, in advance of actually authorising the spending. Funds granted by the Exchequer must be used for the purpose they were petitioned, or returned to the Exchequer.

Wholly Owned Companies: A Wholly Owned Company is a body formed under the provisions of the 5th Imperial Decree where the entire body is owned by one single other financially recognised body. Administration of the Company is by its owner and those Employees appointed by its owner to do so. Financial responsibility for the Company rests with its owning body, though this may be deferred to certain employee(s) of the company depending on the outcome of any specific judgements against it. Wholly Owned Companies must be Audited annually, and are liable for company taxes as indicated in the 11th Imperial Decree. They are also liable to pay to the Imperial Exchequer all employee taxes collected under the 1st amendment to the 5th Imperial Decree. When funds are transferred from the company to its owning body, that transfer is counted as income for the owning body and may be liable to taxation. When funds are transferred to the Company from its owning body those funds are counted as investment, and are not liable to taxation.

Partnerships: A partnership is a Financial Organisation where a group of free individuals agree to pool their resources and trade together as one body, but with no other owners. Financial responsibility rests with the partners, in proportion to the terms of their partnership. Partnerships must be Audited annually, but the individual partners are taxed as individuals on the income they personally derive from the partnership.

Private Companies: A Private Company is a body formed under the provisions of the 5th Imperial Decree, comprising at least three shareholders, but where more than 50% of the company is still owned by a single other financially recognised body. Administration of the Company is by the majority shareholder, who is referred to as the chairman of the company and those employees appointed by the chairman to do so. Financial Responsibility rests with all the owners of the company, though this may be deferred to certain employee(s) of the company depending on the outcome of any specific judgements against it. Private Companies must be Audited annually, and are liable for company taxes as indicated in the 11th Imperial Decree. They are also liable to pay to the Empire all employee taxes collected under the 1st amendment to the 5th Imperial Decree. When dividends are paid from the company to any of its shareholders, those dividends are counted as income for the owning bodies and may be liable to taxation. Shares in the company may be traded through a professional broker as assets at a value determined by the balance sheet of the company. Funds may be injected into the company by its shareholders, through the issuing of new shares, but unless all shareholders simultaneously inject a proportion of funds equal to their relative shareholding, then the relative distribution of their shareholding will be changed. If, during such a share issue, the proportion of shares that the majority shareholder holds falls such that it is no longer greater than 50%, then the Company must convert to a Public Company, with the appropriate changes in Administration and responsibility.

Public Companies: Public Companies are companies where no single recognised financial body holds more than 50% of the shareholding. Administration of the company is by a board of directors, who must all be shareholders, and who are elected annually at a meeting of shareholders on the principle of one share one vote. There must always be an even number of directors, at least 4 and no more than 16, with the number of directors also being decided at the shareholder’s meeting. Operating decisions of the board must be agreed by a simple majority, with the chairman of the board (elected at the shareholder’s meeting) having a casting vote in the event of a tie. Financial responsibility for the company rests with the board, though that may be deferred to certain employee(s) of the company depending on the outcome of any specific judgements against it. Public companies must be audited annually, and are liable for company taxes as in the 11th Decree as well as for the employee taxes collected under 1st amendment to the 5th Decree. When dividends are paid from the company to its shareholders, those dividends are counted as income for the shareholders and may be liable to taxation. Shares in the company may be traded on any Imperial Stock Market, at a value determined by the market, and their value may rise or fall in ways unrelated to the performance or asset value of the company. Investment in the company by the selling of new additional shares may take place at the instruction of the board, but this will potentially affect the proportions of shares held by existing shareholders, and may also affect the value of shares. In the event of a single financially recognised body attaining ownership of more than 50% of all shares in the company, the company ceases to be public and becomes a Private Company under the control of its majority shareholder, with the board of directors being dissolved.

Non-Profit organisations: A non-profit organisation is a body that is formed as a result of a petition to the Emperor, and is specifically charged with some purpose or function which fulfils a social or special interest need in the Empire. It is not subject to taxation, but it must collect personal taxes from any employees it has and pay them to the Imperial exchequer as in the 1st amendment to the 5th Decree. Administration of non-profit organisation is by a group of trustees who are elected by a free vote of any concerned citizens that choose to attend the annual meeting of the organisation, and the trustees cannot be employees of the organisation. The activities of the organisation are funded by monies which are gifted to the organisation by any individual or financially recognised body. Financial responsibility for the organisation rests with the trustees, and is not limited, though it may be deferred to certain employee(s) of the organisation depending on the outcome of any specific judgements against it. Non-profit organisation must be Audited annually, and the results of the audit, along with a report on the activities of the company over that year must be submitted to the Imperial Exchequer. Money cannot be taken out of a non-profit organisation as dividends – all spending must either be on administrative services or on the stated aims and activities of the company, and excessive wealth in the organisation may be subject to windfall taxation.

Banks: The Imperial Throne recognises the need for bodies to exist who’s duty is to secure the financial assets of other bodies, keep them in a safe manner, allow for the safe concluding of transactions involving large quantities of money and to provide security for the savings of the citizenry against the economics of the future. It is therefore decreed that in exception to the 19th Imperial Decree, by petition to the Imperial Throne, companies may be formed to fulfil the functions of Banking within the Empire, and that such companies may pay interest to their depositors at an annual value up to the determined rate of inflation without such interest being liable for taxation. Further interest, if paid, would be liable for taxation. It is decreed that banks may charge fees for undertaking their services. Banks are required to keep strict and accurate records of all their depositor’s accounts, and to keep strict records of their own finances, which are liable to be Audited at any time and frequency, at the instruction of the Imperial Exchequer. Banks may use the monies which they hold to undertake trade and investment, thus converting physical money into other assets, but must at any time be able to allow any depositor to withdraw up to ᴆ10,000 of their funds on a single day, and their entire deposit of funds within a week’s notice. Failure to be able to do this will render the bank insolvent. Profits derived from trading with deposited cash are to be used to fund interest payments, and the excess above interest payments become income for the Bank, and are liable for Company Taxation. In regard of Administration and responsibility, a Bank is treated as treated as a Wholly Owned, Private or Public company, depending on the specifics of its ownership.

Stock Markets: These are companies formed by petition to the Imperial Throne, that specifically undertake trading in the shares of other public companies, by determining the daily price of such shares, and handling buying or selling of such shares. In all instances a trade in shares of a public company must either be a sale to or a sale from a Stock Market, and income for the Stock Market is derived from the difference in buying and selling prices, and from fees that may be charged for undertaking the transaction. Public Companies which do business anywhere on the Primal Realm must have their shares traded on the Eboracum Stock Market, and any public company which does business on multiple shadows must have it shares traded on the New Yorvik Stock Market, in addition to any other Stock Markets. In regard to the Administration and Responsibility of Stock Markets, they are companies to be treated as any other trading company.

Financial Professionals (auditors, brokers, fund managers etc.): Individuals who work in the Financial Industry, either as Bankers, stock market traders, accountants, professional fund managers, or other suchlike, have a greater responsibility in Finance than just for their own funds. They are therefore held to a greater accountability, and if another financially recognised body becomes insolvent as a result of the activities of a Financial Professional, then that Financial Professional may, depending on the specific judgement of any individual cases, share some or all of the responsibility and penalty for the insolvency.

Aristocrats: Aristocrats are individuals who have been granted a title by either the Emperor or by Senate, and who therefore become financially recognised individuals, regardless of what their state would otherwise be within the Empire (e.g. a Priest who becomes an Aristocrat becomes entitled to own property and assets outside of the control of his Temple). They are paid a stipend from the Imperial Exchequer that is not liable to taxation. However, this is done as a vehicle to encourage the active flow of money within the Empire, through existence of more individuals with significant disposable funds available for spending. Therefore, it is Decreed that unless the gross spending of any aristocrat is at least two thirds the amount paid in stipend per year, the excess cash not spent be returned to the Imperial Exchequer at year-end. Aristocrats are entitled to have other income besides the Imperial stipend, upon which they must pay personal taxes, and which is not relevant for minimum spending limits. Aristocrats are responsible for their own finances, and are liable for any debts they incur. The Imperial stipend may be taken into account when Auditing the ability of an aristocrat to pay a debt, but if an Aristocrat becomes fully insolvent and is sold into slavery, the stipend is cancelled permanently.

Citizens: Free citizens are responsible for their own finances, and for the finances of all their dependants. They may own assets, property, and may trade their services to generate income for themselves and their dependants, which is liable for personal taxation.

Other Individuals: Dependants are recognised as being able to own assets, but not property. However, they fall under the responsibility of some other financially recognised body with regard to the undertaking of transactions, and the incurring of debts.

Trusts: A Trust is a financially recognised body where an accumulation of assets or property is administered by a group of trustees, on behalf of some other individual, who for whatever reason is temporarily unable in law to be financially recognised body. Examples of Trusts would be those for dependant widows, orphans or slaves, but this is not an exclusive list. The trustees are appointed by order of Court, and are Financially Responsible for debts incurred by the Trust, initially out of funds of the Trust, but if the Trust becomes insolvent, out of their own resources. It is the duty of trustees to accumulate wealth within the Trust, income for which is liable for taxation in all cases except slave trusts. Trustees may charge fees of the Trust for their services based on a percentage of growth of the Trust, Decreed at this time to be 1% per year.