After the Lighthouse

There’s a Time Paradox going on.

It’s still going on.

[Apologies to anyone that isn’t a fan of Red Dwarf for that plagiarism.]

Some players will already be aware, but there was an event a while back that caused the Creator Gods of Aurellis, Sable and the Reich to become aware, about 60 years in the past, of a lot of things that were going to happen. And they decided that some of those things needed not to happen.

And then, sometimes, Time fought back. So some of the things didn’t happen, and some of them happened differently. Or at a different point in the calendar. For the Empire of Eboracum, on the Inside, the most obvious changes are to the Pantheon. Some of the Gods are different now. Some that died, have survived. Newer ones are not necessarily the same.

For PCs that are normally on the Outside, and only occasionally visit the Inside – they will probably remember how it used to be. And when they next go Inside, well, there’ll be a learning curve. For those that are normally on the Inside, well, for them, nothing has changed. Because they have lived the history that has evolved post Lighthouse. They will not know any different.

There are some changes that will make it to the Outside. Murray and Sanguine have existed for longer, and now have different people in charge of them. Symphony will have different people in charge of it. But these are evolving changes (as the GMs get to thinking about them). Everything will turn out right in the end. Or Left. Or Up. Or Down. Or Strange. Yes. Probably Strange.

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