During a recent visit to the Abyssal Waters, Queen Mellisto spoke a prophecy. I’ll put this out here as a warning to all. Spread the word, people!
“A Great Storm is coming. The Waters will wash over the shores of many Rocks, and Continents will Quaver in its path. Change will ride its bow, death with stalk it amidships, and a new order will settle in its wake. It cannot be turned. It cannot be stopped. But it can be weathered. And it can be worked. Wise are those that seek shelter and harness its Power. Foolish are those that trust the status quo, and believe it will pass them by. It is coming!”
Well, that’s ominous. Do you have any idea what ‘form’ this Storm will take?
I assume the ‘Waters’ mentioned possible relate to the Abyssal Waters where so many souls are trapped?
Change is certainly coming but I’d prefer to get some more insight if possible into the nature of the storm and the change.
Does Queen Mellisto know or say anything more, Sapphire?
If I didn’t know better, I’d say something is coming in from the Abyss and it won’t be pretty. Maybe something from out of Continuum?
Could well be, or from the depths of the darkness within the Abyss.
There have certainly been some ‘Terrorists’ lately.
I have no clue about the point of origin, but I I don’t think it’s originally from ‘the darkness within the Abyss’. Somewhere else is my best bet.
Hi all,
I’ll throw my threepence worth in, because I seem to have ended up being the resident Abyss expert hacker on this site 🙂 But, I am plugged into some pretty good gossip vines, so you might just want to put up with me.
It’s coming in through the Bluewater Layer. To use the common phrase ‘Someone in a place far from here’ fucked up enormously doing a Ritual Process, and ended up with way far more energy than they needed, and were stuck with a world-ending mass of energy left over, and like nations and mariners since the dawn of existence, they decided that, rather than have it fuck them up the ass, they’d vent it out to sea, and … it would go away. Because things always go away if you chuck them in the sea.
Replace a few metaphors in that narrative, and you get the picture. Huge bunch of energy, couldn’t do anything with it themselves other than fry their own asses, so the cast it into the Bluewater Layer, and sent it on its way.
And while I like being fucked up the ass just as much as any other millionaire porn star, if I’m in a bed, surrounded by cameras, and hunky guys, when its my world, I’m less keen. So, me and mine, will be joining in the general efforts to avoid being shagged out of existence by this storm.
The Topside is 2 layers away from the storm front. Perhaps it won’t be so bad up here. For those with interests in the 3 main Abyss Layers, well, they’re the ones that will get shook up the most by this thing. We can but hope.
Tarassin of the 9th Abyss
Thank you for your answer, Princess Tarassin. It adds and clarifies as to the origin of the Storm. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you learn this information?
And more important, can you make any predicitons about when it will hit the Aurellis Continuum?
Queen Mellisto doesn’t know anything more, unfortunately. I’ve talked it over with some other people, and the main reactions seem to be that this is the first storm of this magnitude in this Cycle. A Storm of this kind has the potential to merge or split Continuums. People will die as it passes.
I’ve been told it’s course is set, there is nothing we can do about that. But, we don’t know /when/ it will hit. Could be years, could be as we speak. And the prophecy is pretty clear that doing nothing is not an option, we need to prepare as best we can.
I agree we’re likely talking about the Abyssal Waters. It will hit the Abyss Realms hard. It’s also going to hit the Created Realms from beneath and cause Storms there.
And that’s pretty much all I can tell you. My thoughts were that sharing this as soon as possible was more important than finding out more at the moment. Especially since I’m not sure there’s that much more too find out. Storm’s coming, we have to figure out the rest on our own.
Invest in scuba gear. If the Abyssal Waters get out and start flowing Topside, we’re in for several worlds of hurt.
I’m not sure the Waters will make it all the way Topside. Continents could mean Abyss Realms as well. But who knows?
It’s pretty cryptic. There certainly is a New Order in the lowest depths of the Abyss now.
True, but the people I talked it over with, were mostly the people from the lower Abyss. They didn’t have anything to do with it, and they are going to prepare as well.
So, get ready for things to appear from the Abyss, maybe cycles past and maybe Daemons from their hidden realms.
Any idea what was meant by ‘it can be worked’ and ‘ Wise are those that seek shelter and harness its Power ‘?
Bill, surely you mean for us to expect even more from the Abyss than the semi-regular raids from various agencies from Abyss already made into the other Realms and shadows of existence?
While the warnings contained within the Prophecy can be considered as a call to action, but it is so vague in terms of the nature of the threat, the scope of the destruction, the source of the danger and the time frame etc.
Why are people so certain that nothing can be done to counter or prevent it? Because apparently other individuals said so, What makes them so certain. especially as they can not provide any more
details of the threat itself.
Sure, it predicts Death and change, however those two concepts are constant companions to many of the enlightened folk anyway.
Even the Prophecy itself seems self-contradictory, The threat can not be controlled yet be harnessed.
How are people preparing for its arrival, especially as we do not know the nature of ‘the Storm’? The problem of Prophecy is that often can be understood after the events it predicts has happened.
Very true, Sergi. Prophecy is always better seen from the future (which I guess might be possible).
I guess when we know what it may be, then we can determine whether it is possible to counter or prevent it. I definitely believe that we should always try to make sure we aren’t being lied to because there seems to be a number of cycles where asking questions ‘might’ have helped save the cycle.
For my money? It’s ‘keep an eye on things’ and expect a pretty nasty shadowstorm to hit Topside.
Oh, and expect that anyone currently in the Abyssal Waters might make a jailbreak, which would constitute something of a “new order”, given some of the folks dwelling in that place.
A certain fellow, name begins with Y, comes to mind as the possible source of a new order if that one gets free.
That’s a fair point.
From the past cycles, possession was 9 tenths of the law, just before some of them self destructed.
Watching out for that.
It cannot be stopped. I believe that part is true. It can be harnessed, I think means that if you find a way, you can use it’s power to get stuff done. What stuff? That’s up to whomever is trying to harness it. And if you try that, and it goes wrong, you’re in big trouble. I think there’s a pretty clear difference between stopping and harnessing, no? Or is that an error in translation on my part?
And if you’re not into harnessing, and if it cannot be stopped, seeking shelter is the best bet, according to the prophecy.
The scope of destruction is: Continuums can be merged or split. I think that’s a pretty big scope. This is not a Shadow Storm, this is an Abyss Storm. The first of this Cycle.
I live in the Abyss (which also makes casual references about the bad stuff coming from the Abyss sort of personal nowadays), and I’m preparing. Whatever anybody else wants to do with the information is upto them. The prophecy states ignoring it is foolish. I believe this prophecy to be true. If anyone decides for themselves they do not believe, fair enough, their choice. But I’m going to prepare as best I can. Even if it turns out to be years off, the plans won’t go to waste. And if it’s coming soon, I’ll try to save what I can!
Your understanding of the difference in the words is entirely correct.
I guess an epic storm would create epic winds/destructive energy that could, if properly prepared, be harnessed to constructive ends, or simply guided if you wanted the destruction aimed somewhere.
Not sure what I might be able to do to mitigate the effects of something like this, but I’ll bear it in mind.
Right. That last line of thought is very disturbing, and will surely occur to people with more destructive natures.
Exactly my point.
Hi again,
Answering Sapphire’s last two questions … I’m not able to say where the information came from. I will say that it is a source that has been extremely reliable on all occasions in the past. A girl needs to keep some secrets though.
A timescale was not indicated. Our information did not arrive until after the prophecy was published, so my conjecture would be that it is not sufficiently imminent that our source felt we needed to know, prior to it becoming more general knowledge. So, I would guess soon-ish, but not right away.
Princess Tarassin of the 9th Abyss.
Thank you again. It seems we have some time to prepare, then. Good, I’m sure we can use it.
I certainly hope we can….
A point to note for any world that has had Abyss holes. Any sealed or open hole might be a pathway for the storm to come to hit Topside. So, don’t think you are safe Topside, it may well be that you are not.
Hi all,
I’ve been asked to provide some additional information which has come to light, seeing as how I was one of the ones that set up this bulletin board in the first place, when I worked for Spec Ops.
The extra information being that while main thrust of the Abyss Storm is coming in through the Bluewater layer, for the Topside, any open Abyss holes, such as the ones in Thelbane will have a Creation level Shadowstorm front push out from them. Also, anywhere that has weak points in relation to the Abyss, anywhere else in the Topside, has the possibility for eruptions of Shadowstorm energy to also break through there, and propagate outwards.
Contessa Lizella, Handmaiden of the Divine Larabelle, Goddess of True Love.
Thanks for that, Lizella. Been a while, Glad to see your doing well.
For those who know about the locations and events around Paradiso and a broken pattern and sacrifice related to Fu Manchu, both of those locations might warrant a look and check to see that they aren’t weaknesses (or just open holes to the Abyss).