This is Real Life stuff, not game stuff.
I run the mailing list for another game, using the same system as this one, and we have been having troubles with the mailing list for a while. A few of the players have trouble getting the mails, and some kept getting their messages bounced.
I put in a support ticket with our ISP, and received not great news.
These lists are run by a Mailman server, and as the years have gone by, and email requirements have changed and got ‘secured’, Mailman has not kept up. With the result that the ISP has decided that long term, Mailman is not fit for purpose. And, at this point, they have decided that they are going to retire that part of their offering. Already, you cannot create a new mailing list, and while they have not yet announced a sunset date for the service altogether, it is going away eventually.
Now, the Aurellis and Sable games rarely use the mailing lists any longer. We play live games, we play Discord games, but we don’t really do any email playing. So, my thoughts on this are that for our games here, we just let the lists die, and we make use of the Aurellis and Sable discord servers, where there are general announcements channels, for anything global that needs to be said.
It does mean that any players that want to stay in touch need to let us get you on the discord server. Please drop me a line if you want to do this.