Author: The Aurellis GM


So – I decided to try and write the biography that Lauren might have dictated for the Animus Daily Creation newspaper, while in the middle of her crazies – which haven’t ended yet. Adult language and themes alert. Lauren has a potty mouth when she’s crazy.


Aurellis Wiki

This section of the site is where players can create pages for their characters, and the places they know and love.

Character pages should appear on the ‘Characters’ page. When you create a character page, make it as a sub page of the main Characters Page.

Places should appear on the ‘Places’ page. Make it as a sub-page of the main Places page

Other pages should be on the ‘Other Items ‘ page.

Have fun everyone.


World Viking Organisation joins Nato

1st January 2008

Today the World Viking Organisation announced a massive spending spree as it unveils the plans for its new navy, and the news that it has joined Nato in a naval capacity to defend the peace and safety of shipping in the North Atlantic region.

World Vikikng Organisation head, Thrud Aasgard, confirmed that the Vikings would be taking an interest in matters happening on any of the seas which the Vikings have traditionally sailed, stretching from the western coasts of Europe to the eastern costs of America, up into the Arctic, and down to the equator. “We are a people with no nation, and therefore is it not fitting that we offer Hospitality of The Hearth to those in peril on the sea, far from their own hearths and homes, and from help of their navies of their own countries?”