Author: Sapphire

Message from Sapphire

“Hey all, now I’m on St James: head’s up, there is a fleet of Terror ships hanging out in the Aurellis Brownwater Region. There are 4 or 5 Destroyers each haunting the Golden Circles of St James, Thelbane, Amber, Parys and Haven. Then there are 49 Frigrates roving around, attacking travellers. Be careful if you travel around.”

A Prophecy Overheard

Hi everybody,

During a recent visit to the Abyssal Waters, Queen Mellisto spoke a prophecy. I’ll put this out here as a warning to all. Spread the word, people!

“A Great Storm is coming. The Waters will wash over the shores of many Rocks, and Continents will Quaver in its path. Change will ride its bow, death with stalk it amidships, and a new order will settle in its wake. It cannot be turned. It cannot be stopped. But it can be weathered. And it can be worked. Wise are those that seek shelter and harness its Power. Foolish are those that trust the status quo, and believe it will pass them by. It is coming!”
