Casablanca Arena Update – Week 4

This was one of those rare weeks when more money changed hands before the fighters emerged onto the sands than did after it was all over. Mathilda! returned – which was the big question everybody was betting on. Was she back to full strength – well that question will have to wait for another week, because this week she did not give the poor sod who was put up against her chance to test her in the slightest.

Slightly unexpected however, was the fact that Mathilda! chose to actually butcher the guy out there on the sands. Clearly affected by the surprising dead man’s blow last week, she was clearly not allowing the smallest glimmer of a chance of such an incident being repeated. Somewhat gratuitous, and no doubt traumatic to even a hardened arena audience, Mathulda! demonstrated a skill in the art of evisceration that equals her skills in combat with the living. From the significant quantity of vomiting that took place in the crowds, it was not a demonstration that most of them felt was particularly necessary.

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