Name: Lydia Lee Reynard
Professions: Archduchess, Author*, Business Manager*, Gladiator*, Leather Crafter*, Special Operations Agent*, Student, Superhero*, Tarot Reader, Wanderer* (*Former)
Aliases: Discordia, Discord’s Daughter (pen name), Larry Joseph Cantrell, Lydia Lee Cantrell
Residence: House Discordia, Thelbane. (Formerly Secret, Animus, Sable and St. James.)
Biological Mother: Llewella
Biological Father: Horace of Garnath (Deceased)
Place of Birth: Rebma
Metaphysical Non-biological Parent: Ekaterina
Marital Status: Married
Wife: Lady Beth (Elizabeth) Johnson
Husband: Lucas Reynard
Children: Dorothy Johnson, Joseph (Joelle) Johnson, Liberty, Vizier
Adoptive Family: Father Joseph Cantrell (Deceased), Mother Merribeth Cantrell (Deceased), Aunt Lydia Cantrell (Deceased), Sister Jennifer Cantrell, Brother Kevin Cantrell
Instructors: Michael of Symphony, Mathilda Leon, Mistress Ebony
Former Business: Capital L Leather: Producers of Extraordinary Leather goods. Located on Animus.
Thelbane House: Discordia
Starship: Goa’uld Mothership- The Golden Apple
Degree: Bachelor’s in Business Economics with a Minor in Communication from University of Cincinnati.
Height: 5’9″
Clothing: Formerly Lydia wore Thrift Store Chic. Now she favours stylish custom leather outfits which fit perfectly. She also has one of those annoying Reich ID bracelets. Lydia has a well developed fondness for nudity. Lydia has a mobile tattoo of a dolphin which swims across her body.
Exceptional Abilities: Shape Shift Self and Others, Thelbane Logrus, & Tarot Reading. (Former Abyss Initiate, Coincidence Manipulater, Priestess, & Superhero)
Preferred Forms: Air, Battle Bitch, Burrower, Dolphin, Human, Mermaid
Fun Facts: Discordia stars in a series of Graphic Novels available on Animus.
A Servant of the Light said, “Lydia is an extreme example of the expression of that free will that was granted to humanity,…”
1996 Chaos Magick for Fun and Mischief
1997 Tarot for Complete Beginners
1998 Goddess Loves a Laugh (Ed.)
1998 Ethical Chaos Magick:Not an Oxymoron
1999 Tarot Triumphs and Tragedies (Ed.)
1999 Ethical Tarot Reading
2000 Y2Khaos Magick
2001 Tarot Tips and Tricks
2002 Tarot for the Aspiring Professional
2003 True Tales of the Tarot (Ed.)
2003 Queering the Tarot
2004 Tarot Esoterica
2005 Watch Out for That Jackalope: Tales of Life on the Road
Agency History: Special Operations recruited Lydia in 2005 after they discovered her presence at the site and time of multiple (23 known) prior investigations. Lydia has assisted in multiple subsequent investigations including the rescue of Ekaterina from beneath the Vatican, the Destruction of Paradisio, the rescue of the sons of Deception, the response to the Hong Kong Proto Logrus, and the recovery of Michael Jackson’s Tox Screen. Lydia collated a FAQ for Spec Ops.
King Mandor of Thelbane granted Lydia the title of Archduchess of House Discordia.
Rain aka Lorraine created Lydia in 2007 and plays her currently.
One of my favorite people in all the worlds, who cares enough to call me on my own bullshit, Ms. Lydia Lee Cantrell has been a friend since I first joined Spec Ops. She also makes a great dolphin. Love you, honey!