Icelandic Parliament agrees new laws

Freshly returned from the New Year recess, the Alþingi has enacted new laws that allow for the foundations of Viking lifestyle to be a reality. These laws set out in a legal footing, the principles if Viking Heritage:

  • Foundation of the Home
  • Hospitality of the Hearth
  • Right of Fair Conquest
  • Obligations of Victors

President Rán Aasgard and her team of advisors drafted the new laws to exist alongside the previous laws defining human rights, obligations and customs, rather than replacing them. Under the new laws, any property owner is entitled to declare whether their property is a Viking House, or not, and the appropriate legal code will then apply to that House.

The president further stated, that all government buildings and public places would remain non-Viking at this time, and that corporate establishments could only declare themselves to be Viking, after a free majority vote of all employees of the business that occupied the establishment. “It is not our aim to offend or exclude members of our citizenry who have not yet embraced the Viking way of life. That would contradict the basic principles of the Foundation of the Home, and the Hospitality of the Hearth. Iceland is our Home, and Hearth, and it has many people who live and depend upon it.”


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