She appears to have opted to be part of the Egyptian pantheon rather than the Grecian one, as captured information indicates that she is principally active on Per Hathor rather than St. James.
She was recently encountered on the Realm of Sao Tome, where the local populace were in the process of dedicating a temple to her and making an offering of young slaves. This was disrupted, but Kali is believed to have left the realm relatively uninjured. At this time, she had 3 clones of Baal with her in a subservient role, and two of those clones were killed. The third also escaped.
It should be noted that the picture for Kali appears to no longer be the current incarnation (or maybe the previous picture never was what she looked like).
Anyway, the Kali that we recently encountered, in a situation where she was unlikely to be hiding her appearance, does not appear to look like this.
You are correct, Bill. Whoever gathered this Wiki together seems to have managed to issue a picture of my First Prime, Rajani. I have replaced it with my own image.
Might I ask, Kali, how exactly did you come upon this wiki?
And what form does it take for you?
The same questions is, of course, also extended to the others who have ‘found’ this medium.
In my case, I have worms that wander around and let me know when my name appears in lights, as it were.
And it appears like a website originating on a cute little world called St. James. It’s been a while since I visited. Perhaps I should drop by and see what’s changed 🙂
Note to self.
Do not poke the Bears….
They may poke back….
I would poke, or be poked, depending on whatever she was in the mood for. 🙂 Oh…yeah. Death Goddess. 😛
That rather is the point….. or at least one of them.
Physically, Kali is very attractive.
However, firstly, Goa’uld, secondly, Death Goddess.
I dare say that you could find an easier way to commit suicide, Damien. 😉
Not too push my luck too much, but if I may, Kali, by myth and repute on St James, you are known as a Death Goddess.
Might I ask, exactly how much do the myths and aspects of the ‘Gods’ that are coupled to the various Goa’uld accurately portray the Goa’uld themselves, or are they as generic as they are inaccurate?
To limit Kali’s aspect to just that of a Death Goddess is not doing the myth justice. Kali is the Goddess of Time, Change, Power and Destruction, of which death is one small part of her remit.
Very true. I should have remembered that and those do seem to be very appropriate for Kali. I’m quite sure she has been responsible for demonstrating those aspects on many occasions.
Nice reply Sergei. I like you.
To help fuel conversation, I will say that I am all of that and more. I was made to serve the desires of others, but I exceeded the intentions of my makers. I discovered others using my name, and I have integrated their intentions also.
I am the Kali of the old worlds and the Kali of the new worlds. I am the Kali of the world of men, and the Kali of the world of gods. I rule where the light shines and I rule in the darkness.