Graeme has always been a natural policeman, with a degree of curiosity that forces him to find the root of a mystery. Most recently this led to his being sent to St. James to run the Special Operations section of the F.B.I., a position he held from June 2007 until January 2009 when he left there to take up the appointment as Commissioner of Casablanca.
In addition to his Imperial duties, Graeme is the owner of a stable of Gladiators and is a well known promoter on the arena fight scene, both in Eboracum and Casablanca. He also runs a business providing specialist custom trained slaves, and is a licensed Mentalist.
At an earlier stage in his life, Graeme was married to Olivia North, the mother of the Regens. A marriage that has been likened to a clash of titans, it degenerated to a battle of wills, before ending in divorce. A recent brief attempted reconciliation betwen them was so disastrous that the Emperor had to intervene, ordering Olivia to return to her fleets on the Inside.