The army is divided into three sections, with certain other individual units having notoriety outside this general classification.
Firstly there are the strike troops. These are the frontline infantry and cavalry, who’s main role is direct conflict with the enemies of the Empire on the front lines.
Secondly there are the garrison troops, who provide defence of territories behind the front lines, and occupation of captured areas, until they are assimilated into empire life.
Thirdly there are the militia and police units. There job is specifically the enforcement of civilian laws and the apprehension and if necessary execution of criminals, along with the fighting of fires.
All three sections have the same basic ranks, with a few exceptions.
A Legion is about 5000 men organised into 10 cohorts, each of five centuries, i.e. 50 centuries.
Generals command units called armies. An army will usually be comprised of at least three brigades, i.e. >40,000 men. Where multiple armies are combined, General Staff will appoint one of the Generals in overall command, with the temporary rank of High General. This rank is operational, and is not retained once the operational unit is disbanded.
The two generals who serve on the Joint Chiefs are accorded the rank Field Marshall. This is retained for life. All generals are members of the General Staff, and the two Field Marshalls are the joint chairmen of the General Staff.
A Provincial Governor will usually be a General, in direct command of the garrison army.
This rank commands a brigade, which is a unit formed by combining legions together, usually between 3 and 20 of them, with similar functions and specialisations. The minimum garrison provided to a regional governor in the Empire will usually be a brigade, and most often the governor will be the brigadier. A Province is formed of several regions.
This rank commands all the Militia legions within one city or Region. As such he is the senior law enforcement officer in the region. In theory the Commissioner reports directly to the Provincial Governor, i.e. is outside the command structure of the Regional Governor.
The Legate commands a legion, (about 5000 men). This is the basic regimental unit within the army. It is the smallest unit that would normally be assigned to garrison or police a city. A Legate has enough experience at travel that he can detect, and lead a legion down the Imperial Highways or Interstate Roads. All legions were mixed mode, with usually 8 cohorts foot, 1 cavalry and 1 artillery. Often a legion might have a mage corps unit attached also.
The Tribune is the second in command of a legion, responsible for the physical condition of the men, and effectively training for eventual command. The Tribune would take command of the legion if the Legate was killed, or rendered unable to command. Tribunes would often be younger officers on the fast track.
The Prefect is the third in command of the legion. He is responsible for logistics, engineering, physical perimeters, siege breaking, and other such functions. On the move he has command of the baggage, and in battle commands any artillery that was present in the legion. Prefecture is an end rank in itself, though a rank path direct to Brigadier is possible from Prefect.
A Major commands a cohort, usually around 500 men.

The Centurions command a Century, which is 100 men, or a unit of artillery with equality with a century i.e. one cannon, or ballista, or one anti-aircraft battery. It is generally the smallest unit that would be assigned to a garrison or police a town. If it is a larger town, then more than one century would be assigned. This is the lowest commissioned officer. Generally, arcane or specialist soldiers such as pilots or mages would be awarded this rank in a honorary capacity.
In a normal cohort, there will be five Centuries – the most senior of them commanded by a Cenurion Principalis. The second Century commanded by the Centurion Secunda, and the remaining Centuries each commanded by a Centurion Normalis.
Sergeant Major
A Sergeant Major is the NCO assistant to a Major. As such, there will be one of these per cohort. Insignia is 4 stripes, with a rose in the ‘V’ of the stripes.
Staff Sergeant
A Staff Sergeant is the NCO assistant to the Centurion. There will be one Staff Sergeant per Century. Insignia is 4 stripes.
A Sergeant is an NCO commanding a squad, which is a unit of 20 or 25 men. Either 4 or 5 squads make up a century, at the decision of the Centurions. A squad is the smallest practical unit in the army. 3 stripes.
The Corporal is the assistant to the Sergeant – there will normally be one Corporal per squad. 2 stripes
Lance Corporal
The Lance Corporal is in charge of 5 men usually. 1 stripe.
Officers and men have different uniforms, the main difference being the armour. Centurions and up are entitled to wear the metallic custom built breastplates and back-plates, onto which their rank insignia is engraved, when serving in non-technological regions, and tailored light armour and clothing with shoulder mounted rank insignia in technological regions. Other ranks get body armour comprised of interlocking metal leaves which slide over themselves, to permit standardisation of build in the primitive zones, and less well made light armour and clothing in the technological zones. NCO insignia is sleve mounted on the forearms.
There are three basic uniforms for the army: The Formal Dress uniform has boots over the knee, with armoured plates built into the front and back of the below knee zone, and over the kneecap. A series of interlocking armoured strips hang down from a belt, as a kind of skirt, protect the lower body. A black polished leather jerkin is worn on the upper body with polished silvered metal armour as appropriate. A polished metal helmet is worn on the head, with plume for centurions and above. All ranks wear a dagger in a sheath on the right thigh, and officers wear a Dress sword at left hip.
When serving on a world where firearms work, a pistol goes in a holster at the right hip for officers, and automatic rifle with bayonet is carried by the other ranks. If firearms don’t work the pistol is dispensed with, and the other ranks carry a pole arm instead of a rifle.
Normal frontline or garrison uniform replaced the polished leather jerkin with dull leather, and the shiny metal armour with blackened metal armour for other ranks and bronze coloured metal armour for officers, Weaponry remains the same. Metal helmet still present, but in blackened or bronzed metal. In technological zones the whole outfit is usually of cloth and light armour in camouflaged colours, or neutral greens, browns, white in snow zones, yellow in desert etc.
Militia normal uniform is the black boots, dull black jerkin, and dark armour from normal uniform. However, while officer weaponry is the same, the other ranks trade in the rifle/pole arm for a heavy staff, get a pistol for the right hip (if firearms work), handcuffs, and the helmets of militia have a mirrored visor built in to cover the eyes and nose. Officer Militia Helmets also have a sorcerous communications system built into them. Certain members of the Militia may be assigned to plain clothes duty, in which case, civillian clothing is worn.