On the bridge of the mothership of the goddess Kali

“There is a Trump communication coming in, Goddess.”

“Who is it, my dear?”

“It would appear to be your Downside lodger.”

“You’d better allow it through then, I suppose.” The goddess reclined in her throne-like command chair, and spoke to the Trump image of a somewhat gnome-like old man. “Why are you disturbing my day? I thought our deal was that I would let you put your shit in my basement if you were not seen and not heard? Come to that, how are you making this call?”

“There may have been a TFU.” said the older man.

“Are we talking tiny foul up or total fuck up? What have you broken?”

“Well, let me see. I had some unexpected visitors drop in from the second road, and we had a nice chat. But when they left again, that thing you have to keep killing every time you come home managed to get itself pulled along with their lifelines, and it followed them out.”

“Well, I guess that’s a real shame. If it’s got out, then I guess that means I can drop by and get the place dusted off and tidied up without having to deal with it.”

“Err Yes. Well.” the old man paused. “I think you might want to do something, certainly. Because the sun has started going out.”


“You know, that black sun that sits up in the sky here, casting about as much light as an asthmatic candle and raising the temperature up to about minus 30 celsius. Well right now, its about minus 60 celsius, and it was so dark that I wouldn’t have been able to see to make this call from there without some magic.”


“Me? I didn’t do anything.” said the old man, with a face the picture of innocence. “More apropos might be, ‘What did they do?'”

“What did they do then?” said the goddess, as anger started to consume her.

“Well, from the feel of things, one way or another, it would appear that they fixed Tir’na-Nogth. But I suspect that’s not important for you right now.”

“Goddess!” said the demoness standing beside her.

“What now?!”

“Shadow storm rapidly approaching. Category 5 world-wrecker.”

“Crap in a fucking space suit! Dial up Per Hathor and get us out of here!”

“As you command, goddess.”

Looking back to the Trump image that had stayed in the corner of her eye, the goddess said “I think you’ve outstayed you welcome old man. Get your shit out of there and be gone by the time I get back. It would appear there is a mess I have to clear up, and even if you’re right that it was nothing of your doing, it wouldn’t have been my mess if you weren’t hiding out down in my basement. So it would be good if I didn’t see you again for a century or so. Do we understand each other?”

“Don’t you be worrying. I’m out of there. Oh, by the way? It’s not completely impossible that Fiona might have figured out I was down there. #Just-sayin.”

“ARGHHH!” was herd as the Trump call ended.


    1. You throw amazing parties. I’m just the lawyer. Drew up the most beautiful contract on spec, they didn’t use it, I didn’t get paid.

      The celebration for fixing things better be truly epic, all I can say.

  1. Yes, new shadow storms. A lot of warnings went out beforehand, and there are teams out in shadow to help out, but it was unavoidable.

    It was an epic party, can’t wait ’till the next one.

    1. And that, if you didn’t know, is a really bad thing for whoever is in it’s way. And it’ll probably grow and spawn smaller versions of itself as parts of it are lopped off. And that’s what happens in the Abyss which has practically nothing for it to power it’s growth. Out in Creation, I hate to think what it might do. It’ll certainly eat souls and grow quickly as a best guess.

        1. Didn’t so much let it out across creation, as have it take a jaunt straight to where we were, do not pass Go, do not collect $200, where we dealt with it.

          While it’s an important safety tip that this sort of thing can happen, we’re not likely to repeat this sort of thing, and we did clean up the mess.

          I know, impossible to believe that we actually did clean up the mess, but for just this once, true.

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