On the Night Before Time Began …

The 15th Abyss Realm came to be, fully formed, and fully powered, and was instantly forgotten for all eternity.

Until the day it emerged from within the Abyss, to the place it had always occupied, on the edge of existence, fully formed and fully powered, as it had always been. Ruled by its Queen, but governed by its King, it occupies the space that forms the gate between what is and what is not.

And those that are but copies, look on, with jealousy, formed as they were in the time before the story was complete, and therefore missing the final chapter. The pen has moved to other tales, and their story is already full written, foreshortened by the eternal definition of such things … those that did, and those that did not.

Goddess Dodna, the Oracle.


  1. My mum found a picture of my dad in her bag. I thought I should file a PoPPI missing person’s report. Person of Probable Potential Interest.

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