On the steps of the Templum Deorum in Eboracum
As the last light of sunset shone down upon the steps, Pater Deorum Roland appeared with several other deities, most notably the Twin Deities of War, Marik and Maryse, the Great Protector, Rikart, and the Guardian of Slaves, Seline. Also present is a woman not previously seen at such events.
Roland spoke to say “I hereby introduce to the Empire, my grand daughter Alexis, who has ascended to become the Goddess of Divine Protection.” at this point, the newly introduced goddess walks to stand beside Roland.
Alexis speaks saying “Let it be heard this day that I am in partnership with the Divine Rikart.” At this point Rikart steps forward to stand on the other side of her. “Our aspects are both compatible and complementary. Let it also be known that I consider my aspect to be one that encompasses voluntary slavery. Protection in its purest form is a service to another that is total and selfless, and for that reason I have chosen to ally myself with the Divine Selene, and have taken for myself a gold collar.”
Roland then steps back and Selene steps forwards to stand beside Alexis. “Let it be heard and understood by all, that I speak for my partner, my mothers, my father and my grandfather, as well as for myself when I say that the gods hereby state that the final clause of the Senate’s second declaration on the keeping of slaves is without reason or purpose. There are no grounds to fear that a slave who uses magic will be any more dangerous to the Empire or its people than a free person who uses magic. Further, this clause prevents a loyal slave from using an potential means to satisfy the aspects of both the Great protector and myself, by defending their owners against potential dangers. I therefore speak to say that the interdiction against the use of magic by a slave is set aside forthwith.”
“Let it also be heard that the keeping of infants and minors as slaves is distasteful to the gods and is hereby prohibited. Those infants and minors who are currently slaves are to be surrendered to the Temple of Seline, where accommodation will be found for them until they reach majority.”
Countess Aðalbjörg Hendrake announces her Wedding Duel
For this solemn occasion I have appointed Lady Desdemona Fitz-Hendrake to be my champion, and the date set aside for this occasion to take place before any and all who would witness it is to be New Years Day of the year 25466 since the founding of Thelbane, which in Amber equates to the 16th May in the year 1340.
All the traditional forms of a Hendrake duel will be observed, and upon the honourable completion of her duties as my champion, it will be my pleasure, as is my due being daughter of a former Head of the House, to welcome Desdemona into full membership of House Hendrake. Desdemona will be served in the capacity of her second in this duel by her sister Lady Dynaldra Fitz-Hendrake, and the Archduchess has appointed Countess Romilda Hendrake to officiate, in honour of the line of the late Duke Borell Hendrake from whom my champion is descended.
From the Desk of Princess Florimel
It is hereby announced that King Random has conferred upon Wing Commander Aubrey Wellesley, commander of the Amber Dragon Air Force, the title of Duke of Tir-Na Nogth.
It is also hereby announced that King Random has conferred upon Prince Osric, commander of the forces defending the former territory of Rebma, the title of Duke of the Deep Ocean.